Elevate the Real
Social standards of beauty are only a slim and unrealistic representation of women. The flawless, retouched, ideal images that are spread through the media pressure women of society both consciously and subconsciously. Young women are bombarded with many images dictating what actions and appearances are acceptable. Real women inspire me. The variety of different body types, personalities, ages, lifestyles, and personal styles are all part of what makes each woman unique and fascinating. Capturing these details and embracing each person’s individuality is my goal. (objective) This selection celebrates a range of women who are beautiful, everyday, intriguing women. Through the use of black & white photographs, I am capturing a natural, honest representation of real individuals. Using an informal studio setting in addition to a documentary/street style allows me to preserve intimate moments (interactions) and elevate (celebrate) each woman as an individual. I reject the airbrushed, manipulated, unreal images perpetuating gender-based stereotypes and false images of beauty. Laugh lines and scars are real. Freckles and dimples are real. Wrinkles and rolls are real. Different-sized eyes, crooked teeth, and full-figured women are real. My work celebrates the real.