The female experience and the unwavering weight that accompanies femininity remain the persistent influences and forces behind this collection of work. Images and objects are exploited in compositions, rejected, and then manipulated again to mimic the repetitious nature of trauma and the inevitability of occurrences. Collages are designed viscerally to examine the juxtapositions between fragility and brutality, the exposed and the buried, the contemplated and the justified.
Within this body of work, photographic collages are created in a deconstructive and surrealist style. The images that are intrusively torn apart are sourced from personal depictions and printed materials. The combination of physical objects and printed images is united to represent a delicate and uncompromising reality of sexual assault. These collages delve into uncomfortable themes, using figurative imagery to explore the nuances of contextual circumstances. The layered visuals blur personal trials, igniting a discourse on morality and savagery.
My photographic collages aim to provoke a moral shift by confronting discomfort and arousing individual consciences in a society that shies away from discomfort and turns a blind eye to the vile. Through this work, I seek to foster a dialogue that challenges societal norms and compels viewers to confront the uncomfortable truths beneath everyday life's surface.